it’s all about the small things


at this time of year everyone is moving so quickly in so many different directions that sometimes it’s good to stop and say thank you to the people that make our every day lives just a little more pleasant. there are always a lot of people to gift each holiday season, and sometimes it’s the people we move to the bottom of the list that actually merit the most thanks. it’s also not about how much you spend, it’s about showing people that you’ve taken the time to acknowledge the difference they make in your life.

for instance, i have by far the best building superintendent you could ask for. he is always smiling and pleasant and knows everyone by name. he is always so grateful that when we have an issue in our apartment that we are understanding of the time it takes to resolve the problem. this is someone who at times moves to the bottom of a holiday gifting list but it’s the smallest thing to show you appreciate the time he takes to remember your name that counts. the best gifts i’ve found in these situations is a nice bottle of wine, a gift basket for his family or anything of the homemade baked variety

this year, i’ve been baking away in order to say thank you to the people that help me the most in my life. my budget is tight this year but a few ingredients at the grocery stores and some dollar store wrapping go a long way to make someone feel special at holiday time. this is a great office gift for people you’d like to thank but aren’t able to go out and buy gifts for. cookies and pastries definitely say a sweet “thank you” over the holiday time

remember, at the end of the day, it’s about the small things in life that make the biggest difference

xx and happy holidays! aboutthesmallthings

passed the bar

DIY bar

This particular project was a few years in the making. a friend of mine bought these beautiful old crates from a market and had turned them into shelving in his room. i liked the idea and had been looking for a creative way to increase the storage in my own apartment. i have a very small kitchen and all of my wine glasses, wine bottles and bar accessories were taking up much needed real estate in my cabinets.

the issue i was having is being able to find crates at a reasonable price and really having the time to scour the city to find them. when looking at a market, it has to be in season or nothing is available- this rules out about about 7 months of the year due to the winter and the markets being closed. when looking online you often come across antiques which are beautiful but can range in price from $45-$120 a crate which is more than I wanted to spend for the entire project.

i was about to give up, but on a recent trip to Toronto ended up in a large Winners Homesense. turns out they have an incredible selection of vintage inspired pieces that don’t break the bank. I was able to find an array of crates with different finishes and designs varying in price from $14-$30. i left that day with 2 large crates, 2 medium crates and a small one all for under $100. i also picked up an inexpensive wine rack, a cart from IKEA meant to be used in a bathroom and 2 metal bins that would be perfect in the summer to fill with ice to keep drinks cold. i topped off the whole project with the leftover candles and decor from the engagement party project

the result? a unique bar setup in my living room and more storage space in my kitchen cabinets

xx aboutthesmallthings