counting down


each year, on the 363rd day of the year, i ask myself the same question: what am i doing for new year’s eve? the truth of it is, i’m not really one for the big new year’s festiviites. each time i’ve attempted to go to one of the “typical” new year’s soirees thrown by a club or restaurant, i end up very disappointed in how my night played out. i call it my new year’s curse, but have found that the best new year’s celebrations i’ve had to date are the ones spent with close friends or family at home.

don’t get me wrong, i love a good party, but i like it on my own terms. i get to create my own theme, make my own food, indulge in my own decor. i don’t have to fight the crowds or the long taxi lines at home but i still get to have a fun filled party night without the hectic-ness or the chaos

so my plan for this year? a sparkle and shine themed new year’s eve bash at a friends house. in order to create a new year’s eve celebration that is memorable and fun i have my celebration essentials all set and ready to go

My NYE essentials include:

  1. My polaroid camera to capture and instantly print the memories of the night
  2. My New Year’s camera props
  3. A dark and sparkly manicure (Essie “Over the Edge” and Julep “Chatoya” make the perfect NYE look)
  4. My Michael Kors Elsie Clutch (holiday gift to me from me!)
  5. Mac Rebel lipstick
  6. The highest high heels I own

What are you’re NYE go to’s? Whatever they are, have a wonderful night and a happy New Year!

xx- aboutthesmallthings

it’s all about the small things


at this time of year everyone is moving so quickly in so many different directions that sometimes it’s good to stop and say thank you to the people that make our every day lives just a little more pleasant. there are always a lot of people to gift each holiday season, and sometimes it’s the people we move to the bottom of the list that actually merit the most thanks. it’s also not about how much you spend, it’s about showing people that you’ve taken the time to acknowledge the difference they make in your life.

for instance, i have by far the best building superintendent you could ask for. he is always smiling and pleasant and knows everyone by name. he is always so grateful that when we have an issue in our apartment that we are understanding of the time it takes to resolve the problem. this is someone who at times moves to the bottom of a holiday gifting list but it’s the smallest thing to show you appreciate the time he takes to remember your name that counts. the best gifts i’ve found in these situations is a nice bottle of wine, a gift basket for his family or anything of the homemade baked variety

this year, i’ve been baking away in order to say thank you to the people that help me the most in my life. my budget is tight this year but a few ingredients at the grocery stores and some dollar store wrapping go a long way to make someone feel special at holiday time. this is a great office gift for people you’d like to thank but aren’t able to go out and buy gifts for. cookies and pastries definitely say a sweet “thank you” over the holiday time

remember, at the end of the day, it’s about the small things in life that make the biggest difference

xx and happy holidays! aboutthesmallthings

it’s hunting season


some of my all time favorite accessories are shoes and handbags. people often come into my apartment and ask how many people live with me due to the number of shoes i have lined up in the front hallway. there are some serious brand names that i’m coveting after, but haven’t reached a point yet where i’m able to walk into any store and buy my hearts every desire (trust me, we may have a bigger problem if that were the case) so in the meantime, when i look for good investment pieces, i have to be savvy about it

The best thing to do when buying an investment piece is trying to find something you covet, at a discount. that way it’s something you’ll have forever but don’t feel as though you’ve spent more than a month’s rent on something you’re wearing on your feet. i’ve had amazing successes at Barney’s Coop on my trips to the states or at HR2 in Canada. you have to be patient, but when you find something worth is, grab it before it’s gone!

here are some tricks to buying investment pieces, but not breaking the bank

  1. Basic doesn’t mean black: An investment piece doesn’t always need to be black. there are other basics in the color world that can be worn with just about any color. don’t be afraid of navy or a great burgundy bag- they’ll still match with everything and can even add a pop of color to an outfit. at the end of each season, you can often find classic shapes in designer bags in the seasons color that they haven’t been able to sell through. I was able to pick up an Alexander Wang Rocco Duffle in Burgundy for 70% off because of the color
  2. Go online: There are a number of online sites that will send you customized sales for designers that you’re looking for. For example, the site Shop It To Me will email you daily sales on the brand names you’re looking for. They send you hits from various websites so you’re being redirected to sites like Nordstrom or Shopbop online as opposed to searching each individual website on your own.
  3. Do you research: Don’t just buy brand name for the sake of buying brand name. Know what you’re looking for. if there’s a specific designer you’re interested in, look for different retailers within the city that carry the brand. go in to the different locations, compare prices and in store deals before making a commitment. depending on the retailer, there can be discounts that they can offer or incentives at different times of the year
  4. Be patient. impulse buying when it comes to a big purchase is the worst way to go. you don’t end up enjoying your buy because you often spend too much and feel guilty about your purchase. wait until end of season, wait for holiday sales, those are the best times to look into buying designer because those are the times retailers are expecting their next collection. once things go on sale, the decision to buy in store or online are usually the only ones remaining

good luck and happy hunting!

xx- aboutthesmallthings

baby it’s cold outside


i am not the biggest winter fan, even less so after coming back from a beach vacation. coming back to snow and slush isn’t quite the same as watching the ocean get closer and closer as a plane begins its decent into a warm climate. the return to winter comes with many challenges- winter boots, winter jackets, impending snow storms and the worst- the ever so fun back from vacation cold.

i just returned back from the sun to all of the above with the worst of the worst snow storm and a nagging sniffle threatening to turn cold at any minute

so what did i do? i retaliated that’s what! by making the world’s fastest, simplest and most delicious chicken soup

anyone who says making soup is time consuming has never tried this recipe- it’s 10 minutes of prep time and 30 minutes of cook time

the result? delicious and comforting homemade chicken soup!


  1. Chicken breasts (for a small portion like the one i made last night, i used two boneless chicken breasts)
  2. 5 carrots
  3. 4 celery stalks
  4. Half an onion
  5. 3 cloves of garlic
  6. Salt and pepper to taste
  7. Enough water to cover all ingredients and create the broth


  1. Roughly chop the onion, carrots and celery and put aside
  2. Fill a medium size pot with water, add salt, and bring to a boil
  3. Chop your chicken into mid size cubes (if you’re using chicken with the bones, don’t cut anything off the bone, leave them in as it adds more flavour)
  4. Once the water begins to boil, turn the heat on your burner down and add your chicken. Simmer for 7 minutes until the chicken is cooked through
  5. Add your vegetables to the water (including your garlic) and the salt and pepper to taste
  6. Leave your soup simmering for 30 minutes
  7. Voila! Soup!

**You can make any kind of soup pasta or rice if you’d like a carb with your meal, otherwise the chopped vegetables taste delicious on their own with the chicken and the soup

xx- aboutthesmallthings