baby it’s cold outside


i am not the biggest winter fan, even less so after coming back from a beach vacation. coming back to snow and slush isn’t quite the same as watching the ocean get closer and closer as a plane begins its decent into a warm climate. the return to winter comes with many challenges- winter boots, winter jackets, impending snow storms and the worst- the ever so fun back from vacation cold.

i just returned back from the sun to all of the above with the worst of the worst snow storm and a nagging sniffle threatening to turn cold at any minute

so what did i do? i retaliated that’s what! by making the world’s fastest, simplest and most delicious chicken soup

anyone who says making soup is time consuming has never tried this recipe- it’s 10 minutes of prep time and 30 minutes of cook time

the result? delicious and comforting homemade chicken soup!


  1. Chicken breasts (for a small portion like the one i made last night, i used two boneless chicken breasts)
  2. 5 carrots
  3. 4 celery stalks
  4. Half an onion
  5. 3 cloves of garlic
  6. Salt and pepper to taste
  7. Enough water to cover all ingredients and create the broth


  1. Roughly chop the onion, carrots and celery and put aside
  2. Fill a medium size pot with water, add salt, and bring to a boil
  3. Chop your chicken into mid size cubes (if you’re using chicken with the bones, don’t cut anything off the bone, leave them in as it adds more flavour)
  4. Once the water begins to boil, turn the heat on your burner down and add your chicken. Simmer for 7 minutes until the chicken is cooked through
  5. Add your vegetables to the water (including your garlic) and the salt and pepper to taste
  6. Leave your soup simmering for 30 minutes
  7. Voila! Soup!

**You can make any kind of soup pasta or rice if you’d like a carb with your meal, otherwise the chopped vegetables taste delicious on their own with the chicken and the soup

xx- aboutthesmallthings