I tell myself I’m a cool nerd…




so i set off last night on a last minute search for some clothing and accessories for an upcoming vacation

the challenge with that is that the weather is currently -15 degrees Celsius and i’m completely out of season for any clothing that would even remotely resemble beach attire. I found some incredible boots and knits but there isn’t a single crop top or dress in sight.

feeling a bit discouraged, i decided to go to one of my secret favourite places- Indigo Books. (it’s a secret not because no one knows about the store, but because of my inner nerd’s level of secrecy)

I don’t go to Indigo anymore for the actual book sections (i typically buy my books on Kobo or in the airport as I’m leaving for a trip) i’ve started going to indigo for their home decor and accessories. they’ve rebranded themselves over the last few years and the results have been fantastic. they have a full section of house accessories, dish-wear, home decor and stationary.

i’ve often left with more than i care to admit but the price points are reasonable and the pieces are quite fun. last night however i was determined to stay focused and just to browse around the new arrivals. i quickly realized that wouldn’t work out when i can across the Kate Spade office supplies. I was done. i was able to convince myself to only leave with a few items but Kate Spade has been able to transform office supplies from boring and run of the mill into fun and quirky.

what’s great about this section is all of the items are $25 or less so they make really cute office add ons, holiday stocking stuffers or secret santa gifts

the indigo website has all of the items available as well, so for anyone who doesn’t feel like braving the holiday crowds, everything can be delivered right to your door!


xx- aboutthesmallthings

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